here are the cool places i have collected in my time as an internet wizard 
[remember everything] a big ol web adventure
[old world radio] listen to old radio shows. (i recommend Sam Spade)
[inspiration generator] a word randomizer that makes cool sentences
[cameron's world] an extensive and cute archive of old geocities
useful things
[zalgo text] when you need to type like an eldritchian demon
[bugmenot] free logins for sites that require them for no reason
[piratebay proxies] for when piratebay is down.. which is always these days
[imdb movie list] if you ever need a movie, pick one outta here!
[gifcities] all the cheesy old gifs you'll ever need
[ezgif] make & edit gifs!
[iknowwhatyoudownload] look at recent downloads of any IP address
[shodan] you can do a lot with this..
[fotoforensics] tool to detect photoshops!